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È online la nuova piattaforma nazionale: historiaHelvetica.ch


Luogo sconosciuto
Membro dal 5 settembre 2017

The Master in International Tourism at the University of Lugano (USI), Switzerland requires the 1st year students to attend a course called eTourism Technology Lab. This course introduces various technological applications and tools relevant to the tourism industry and provides students with a hands-on experience of utilizing advanced eTourism applications through a specific course project. The objective of the course is twofold: students will work on a technological project, and on the other side they will be able to assess the time and efforts required to complete it. During the academic year 2017-18, a collaboration between lanostraStoria.ch and the course eTourism Technology Lab is planned, in order to provide students with documents from the RSI archive. Students are going to explore and work on themes that are also central for Ticino Tourism Organization:"Fiore di Pietra" - Monte GenerosoLocal marketsCycling/Mountain BikeGrottiOther traditions: local recipes, wine and gazzosaThese themes are well-matched with the editorial project of the platform lanostraStoria.ch, which aim is to outline the history of the Italian speaking part of Switzerland.

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